Welcome to Nebula Media, a subsidiary of Nebula Space Enterprise, Inc.
Nebula is embarking on a historical mission to bridge the gap from Earth to Space.
That’s just the beginning. You’ve heard it before, but it’s more true now than it’s ever been: Space is the next frontier. Space is the final frontier. It is the necessary next step for humanity.
Maybe you geek out on Star Wars, binge-watch Lost in Space, or maybe, you haven’t really considered life in space before. Just a few decades ago, it was Niel Armstrong on the moon, and the space race was between Russia and the US. It’s far bigger than that now; 73 countries have active space programs. Companies like SpaceX are testing reusable rockets and William Shatner touched space. They expect to launch affordable space “cruises” by the end of the decade. What SpaceX is intending with Starship is an entirely new and exciting chapter of space life.
That means there is an entire space economy dawning – an entire economy beyond the AI and space defense world.
Nebula Media is here to help you find your place in space. Of course, we will cover the latest on space tech, rocket launches, and defense, but there is a vast universe for us to explore, and we are literally just getting started. Space Botany? Certainly. Space Fashion? Absolutely. Space Architecture? You bet.
We will bring you the latest on space life as we know it and as we build it together. We will also keep you apprised of what Nebula is doing to bridge the gap for humanity between Earth and Space.
Get regular news and updates via blogs, photos, interviews, and reviews. Tune in to our regular Space Without Limits podcast and video series, with expert guests, as well as focused updates from Nebula’s own world-class leadership. Track with us on social media and subscribe to our weekly newsletters today.